Ancillary Services

Beneficial Ownership

Our global Funds & Investment Management team provides expert legal advice on all areas of the beneficial ownership regime (BOR) in the BVI, the Cayman Islands, Ireland, Jersey and Luxembourg, to assist clients with determining whether they fall within the scope of BOR and to aide with the necessary obligations and filings.

We offer unrivalled expertise on all aspects of the beneficial ownership regime in the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Ireland, Jersey and Luxembourg.  In particular, the Maples Group is able to assist clients in reaching a determination as to whether they fall within or outside of the primary obligations of the appropriate regime, and provide assistance with any required filings.  

Specifically in the Cayman Islands, where we worked closely with both the political and administrative arms of the Cayman Islands Government in developing the regime and its supporting systems, we have developed industry-leading proprietary software for the preparation and making of all filings required under the beneficial ownership regime and serve a range of Cayman Islands corporate services providers, including leading global banks, in maintaining the requisite records and making requisite filings on a regular basis.  The beneficial ownership regime expressly authorises corporate services providers to delegate these services to another provider and the Maples Group solution has proven popular and robust.

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Ancillary Services


Our multi-discipline team of Brexit experts can work with you & your international advisers on the key legal, regulatory & tax issues arising from Brexit.
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We can provide expert legal advice and administrative solutions on all aspects of Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) due diligence and reporting.
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Financial Services Regulatory

We help financial institutions establish a presence in multiple jurisdictions and foster their relationships with regulators, tax & enforcement authorities.
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Global Registration Services

Our experienced team provides cross-border fund registration services to support on market intelligence, market entry & maintenance of ongoing obligations.
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Hosted Management Company Solutions

Our hosted management company experts help alternative investment funds and UCITS funds meet their ongoing obligations under AIFMD and UCITS regulations.
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Listing Services

We support with both the listing application process & ongoing listing maintenance for a wide range of specialist & start-up companies, trusts & funds.
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Our system for KIID and KID production, control, management and distribution helps you tackle the complexity of assembling, translating and disseminating.
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